Sofani's journey from Mikelle to Addis was a successful one and he's now residing in Jane's House, a transition home that works with our international adoption agency. He is living there with a handful of other children waiting to be placed. We have had several pictures sent to us from U.S. families that are visiting their soon-to-be children in Ethiopia. We are very appreciative and hope to pay the favor forward to other wiating families when we travel in the months to come.
As far as the process goes, we're anxiously awaiting a court date to be set. At that point Staci and I will fly to Addis on our journey half way around the world. I am very excited to see Sofani again but more excited for Staci to finally meet him. This is going to be an awesome experience. We'll likely travel in early June but we're praying that it will be sooner. Two months from our court date I will likely be traveling to pick him up and bring him home as our 4th child. I'm pumped!
As we prepare for Sofani's arrival Staci's father, Tom, has been working for weeks to build a 4-person bunkbed system equipped with shelves and drawers for Jackson and Sofani's room. Papaw Tom has designed and manufactured this incredible piece of furniture for the boys and their friends to enjoy. My dad, Jay, has also helped us with painting and wallpapering. Staci's project list has dwindled as we've chipped away at getting rooms ready, storage areas cleared and everything set for Sofani's arrival. Staci is officially nesting. It brings back memories from all 3 pregnancies. It's no different. I have been grinding away trying to learn Amharic (the native language of Ethiopia) on CD while I'm traveling. Needless to say Avery is moving at a much faster pace learning words and phrases than her old man.
Sofani is such a special boy. You can see his amazing spirit, kindness and joyful personality in these pictures. Please keep Sofani in your prayers. Pray for his safety, peace of mind and confidence as he takes this leap of faith to join our family. I would also ask that you pray for us as we prepare for his arrival and that the process continues to move at a rapid pace. We're so excited!
Praying for all of you.