Sunday, January 28, 2018

Ethiopian Bible School - Adding On!

Here’s a post for those of you following the Bible Training Center in Mikelle, Tigray, Ethiopia:

Over the last few months the Tigrinya Evangelical Leadership has been praying about the strategy for the future of the school in Northern Ethiopia.  With all the different areas of ministry that the Lord has opened for us, we wanted to seek the Holy Spirit's direction for the future.  As you know acquiring the building in Mekelle to be a ministry center has been a major step for our work in Northern Ethiopia.

As the ministry grows we have found that a major need is to have the capability of our ministry center to conduct seminars for pastors, university student leadership, etc.; and provide housing for students called of God for ministry from outside of Mekelle.  To this end we have taken a step of faith and are going to add two floors to our building.  One floor will be dormitories and rooms for visitors, the second floor will have a large meeting room and a kitchen/dining area.  We have counted the costs and got the plans and estimates for this project.  The total cost will be approximately $100,000.   We believe that the Lord has given us confirmation.   To God Be the Glory, we already have received 30% of the project cost and have enough to construct the concrete and steel skeleton.  Next week we will be buying materials and on Feb.12th we will begin formal construction of the two floors.

Our 3 story building will soon be 5!

We will need help from you to raise the additional $70,000.  Some of the funds will be coming from our local ministry but most will need to come from all of us.

On another note, if you know an American Pastor/Instructor that’s interested in teaching at the school – even if it’s just a week – I’m happy to help line up a time for you to do that.

I appreciate all of the support, prayer and contributions that have made this school come to life. It has been incredible to be part of God’s plan for building the kingdom in Northern Ethiopia.

If you would like to contribute, checks can be made to:

New Life Christian Fellowship
MEMO: Ethiopia Bible School
Mailing Address:
New Life Christian Fellowship
2237 E Reid Rd
Grand Blanc, MI 49439

You can also contribute on line via PayPal at: